Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday Morning Motivation

My local health club has just sent me an email with some 'motivational words'. I can well do with this today - the first 'normal' Monday morning for weeks; what with Easter and Royal Wedding Bank Holiday malarkey. Perhaps that's why I'm feeling a teensy weensy bit low and finding it difficult to 'get going'. So I'm hoping these magic words and phrases will help:

Motivating Words
  • "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself" – George Bernard Shaw
  • "Now is the right time." – Lotus Sutra
  • Life is an ever shifting kaleidoscope: A slight change and all patterns alter." – Sharon Salzberg
  • "Don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams." – Proverbs
  • "Never, never, never give up." – Winston Churchill 

4 comments: said...


taffdancer said...

Thank you for testing my blog for the 'post a comment' difficulties. I would appreciate it if you (or other readers) know of any other blog providers which make it easier for people to make comments.

Anonymous said...

Dear Su,

looks like commenting on a post is one of life's challenges, but "never, never, never give up" apllies here as well!
What about this one>

"Each moment of your life is a picture which you had never seen before. And which you'll never see again, so enjoy!"

All the best, Michael

taffdancer said...

Dear Michael,
Thank you for your comment - which I like very much and will put into action this very moment. Interesting as I find all this blogging stuff, I find it so important to look out of the window for regular breaks. The computer screen is no rival for the greeneries of nature. Enjoy!