Monday, 28 January 2019

BREXITUS (Bread and Circuses)

It was the breast of times
It was the wurst of times
Double D or even G-sized silicon implants into the breasts of celebrity women
Still made the headlines
And the endless reports of 'Will we? Won't we?' Brexit-related headlines 
Became like a sausage machine
Out of whose mouth churned ever more negative congealed masses of
Shit-shaped news

Are we walking towards a cliff edge?
Or into the dawn of a new age:
And will there still be bread and circuses when we get there?

Nobody knows

But like that notorious idiot from the Middle Ages
Who obviously did not have the benefit of hindsight
Or 24/7 news reports and the Internet
We grope blindly in the dark
Hoping, against hope, that life won't be nasty, brutish and short

(from 'Poems from the Kardomah Cafe' - available from Surrey University bookshop at £10)

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