Monday 18 June 2012

Olympian effort by former UCA student leaves everyone breathless...

...(including herself)

'Id rather run a mile than do any kind of sport' said one former couch potato at a recent UCA alumni gathering.

So it was a real surprise when Su Moberly (BA (Hons) Fine Art 2004 awarded herself a solid pewter medal 'For Keeping Her Head Above Water Against All the Odds'.

The medal was made with the help of staff and technicians at the college last week on an annual Alumni Reunion Day. Su made it in between nattering to old mates, watching some great videos, having a lovely outdoor lunch; and generally having a bit of a jolly.

Asked how she felt on being awarded such a high honour, Su announced that it had been a 'tough year' and that she had 'felt like giving up' many times. However, in the end, inertia and depression had given way to an all-out effort in keeping with the 2012 vision we have all come to admire.

Nice to see that the Olympian ideal is not completely extinguished round here.

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