Saturday, 12 February 2011

The Meerkats 'Retirement Home' - so accurately drawn!

My Movies | Compare the Meerkat

Having spent more time visiting retirement homes than I ever wanted to, I can categorically assure you that the Meerkats 'retirement home' commercial is spot on in terms of accuracy. It makes me laugh and cry at the same time.  Such genius! I cannot stop replaying this ad over and over again. Maybe I am ready for the retirement home!


Unknown said...

Have you a link for the commercial? I haven't seen it, but would like to now after your description.

taffdancer said...
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taffdancer said...

Hello Virtual (Linguist). For some reason, the link did not work, the first time I posted on this subject. However, if you click on the line underneath the heading on the second posting (i.e. 13th February), the link should take you to the Meerkat tv commercial site. I'm guessing your favourite one would be the one about Moscow - but they are all hilariously funny.