Friday, 11 February 2011

Product placement in 'The Archers'

Oh dear! There's a storm brewing in the teacups of 'The Archers' characters at the moment. It's all thanks to a mention of 'Duchy Shortbread'. Duchy is the brand of shortbread produced by the Prince of Wales and I think it's really delicious. So does Ian, the Chef in 'The Archers' radio series (an 'Everyday Story of Countryfolk'). As he produces a pretty mean shortbread himself, this was praise indeed for the Prince's famous brand. Unless you were listening very carefully, though, you'd have hardly heard the word 'Duchy' as Ian barely whispered the word.

Nevertheless, it was enough to have listeners writing into the BBC. Many people think that the BBC should be above that sort of 'cheap' product placement.

It just goes to show that, even though most of the avid listeners of 'The Archers' are the wrong side of 30, quite a lot of them are not as doddery and 'over-the-hill' as you might think.


Unknown said...

I see in today's Mail on Sunday that sales of the said shortbread in Waitrose have shot up!

taffdancer said...

Thank you for your comment Virtual Linguist. I'm not surprised! The BBC announcer introduced the 'Archers Omnibus' today by saying 'Time for the Archers - and a piece of shortbread perhaps'. Maybe this will do for shortbread what Gordon Brown failed to do for - what were those biscuits called now? And we all know who is characterised by the 'Jammy Dodger'!

taffdancer said...

I remember now. It was 'Hobnobs'!