Friday, 25 February 2011

Julian Assange statement by Mark Stephens gives Swedish band Abba’s ‘Mamma Mia’ a boost

We should neither put Wikileaks founder Julian.Assange above The Law nor make him a victim of it. His success and his (alleged) misdeeds are all part of the same person. It seems fair and just that he should either be charged in this country. Or that some sort of guarantee be given by the Swedish Government that the whole thing will be 'aired' in as public a manner as possible, starting with any  'charges' to be made. Mr Assange might not like this and neither might the Swedish authorities; but how else will things pan out? Incidentally, I cannot see the necessity for anyone to stand bail for Julian Assange. Where's he going to go after all? Australia? At least he'd go at his own expense and the current advertising says ‘There’s nothing like Australia’. But I don't expect the 'Celebrity Lawyers' would like that. Incidentally, before I could watch the statement by Mark Stephens, Julian Assange's lawyer, I had to watch a minute or so of Abba’s ‘Mamma Mia’ advertising the West End show, ‘Mamma Mia’. Excellent product placement!


Unknown said...

Talking of product placement, did you see that product placement was allowed for the first time on tv in this morning's "This Morning"? Nescafe have paid £100,000, apparently, to have one of their coffee machines in the kitchen set. See this article and video:

taffdancer said...

Sorry I did not reply to your comment earlier Virtual. I have just discovered the 'Spam' box for comments and found your comment there (No idea why). Anyway, thanks for the link. I hadn't seen it at the time. I gather a special sign has been recently introduced to indicate when a program contains product placement.